Red Sucker Lake First Nation

And our first kennel load is off to Red Sucker Lake First Nation for our Spay/Neuter/Registration Clinic happening June 17-20, 2016!

We are so happy to be able to fly to this amazing community and we are really looking forward to seeing everyone again! How many dogs will we fix this round?

Huge thanks to Perimeter Aviation Cargo for continuously supporting our efforts! We could not do what we do, if we didn’t have an amazing crew behind us!

We are urgently looking for monetary donations to help us reach this very isolated community! Etransfers can be made to [email protected], cash or cheque! Message us for more details! 204-899-5809!#saveadognetwork #donation #donatenow#manitoba #mbfirstnation #firstnation #rsl#redsuckerlake
